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December 14, 2014, Tokyo, Japan - Prime Minister Shinzo Abe gives a TV interview at the headquarters of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party in Tokyo as early returns from Sunday's general election indicate a landslide victory by the LDP on December 14, 2014. The LDP will leky to secure a majority as voters gave Abe a fresh mandate to forge ahead with his economic policy. (Photo by Natsuki Sakai/AFLO) AYF -mis-


Liberal Democratic Party in Bouyant Mood After Election Victiory
December 14, 2014, Tokyo, Japan - Prime Minister Shinzo Abe gives a TV interview at the headquarters of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party in Tokyo as early returns from Sunday's general election indicate a landslide victory by the LDP on December 14, 2014. The LDP will leky to secure a majority as voters gave Abe a fresh mandate to forge ahead with his economic policy. (Photo by Natsuki Sakai/AFLO) AYF -mis-

Filename: aflo_ayfa013454.jpg
From gallery: LDP Seals Resounding Election Victory
Photographer: Natsuki Sakai/AFLO
Source: AFLO
Date 14 Dec 2014
Location: Tokyo Japan
Credit: Natsuki Sakai/AFLO
Model Release: No
Property Release: No
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